Une semaine après avoir vu Max Pacioretty frôler la mort en direct à télé, des amateurs se sont réunis avant le match entre le Canadien et les Capitals pour démontrer aux dirigeants de la LNH qu’ils ont raté le bateau. En manifestant pacifiquement de la sorte, ils voulaient que Gary et ses amis comprennent que Zdeno Chara auraient dû être suspendu mais surtout que les actes de barbarie doivent cesser sur la patinoire. Mais ça ne donnera absolument rien. Bruce Boudreau a le mieux résumé ce qu’on en pense ailleurs qu’à Montréal. «S’ils n’aiment pas ce qu’ils voient de la LNH, qu’ils restent chez eux.»

Si je vous parle de ça aujourd’hui, c’est que j’ai envie de partager avec vous le contenu d’un courriel que j’ai reçu la semaine dernière après le passage des Bruins au Centre Bell. Je me fais un devoir de lire tous ce que je reçois même si ce n’est pas toujours le jour même. Giovanni Sardo m’a donc fait parvenir la missive qu’il a expédié à Gary Bettman et aux autres grands penseurs de la LNH. Elle résume bien l’inquiétude d’un père de famille mais aussi le dégoût d’un partisan déçu face au laxisme du commissaire.

_Dear Gary, owners, NHLPA,_

_Today, I sit here, disgusted._

_Growing up, there is nothing more that I looked forward to than watching the Habs play with my father. As much as I loved the skilled play of the likes of Lemieux, Gretzky, Yzerman and all the other super athletes, here was nothing that got us out of our seats more than a good fight. Domi, Probert, Nilan and all the way to the Roberges, Ewens and Odeleins, I was always taught that as much as we should never fight in public, it was ok in the NHL because these guys were taking care of the schoolyard bullies._

_They were protecting their families with everything they had. It was a code of honor, just like any man would be expected to defend his family‘s safety and honor._

_Throughout the years, I‘ve seen some awful hits get proper punishments. Hunter‘s hit on Turgeon. Bertuzzi on Moore. Above average players got dealt their punishments in a sever manner because they broke a code of respect towards their fellow players._

_However, as this society evolves along with the game, there is less and less responsibility taking and more dumping of blame on the little things so that we can get away with murder. Just like parents have less and less authority with their children, the NHL has less and less authority with its players and are afraid to punish them because they don‘t want the players mad at them._

_On top of this, the bretheren that is the NHL would rather protect the agressor than the victim. Should we teach our kids to start protecting the schoolyard bullies?_

_Right now, in some minor leagues, some kid with an aggression and attitude problem sees the replay of that hit, sees no punishment and begins to think that he can do the same now. His excuse: Well… Chara didn‘t get punished, why should I. And he‘s right. It‘s a hockey play. If we don‘t punish it in the NHL, why would we in the minors? Does anyone find it weird that Crosby, who started out with controversy brewing comments about headshots to becoming totally silent? Did he just decide to stop talking? Or did the PA and the NHL meet with him and say that what he was doing was bad for the game? Will any fellow players come and speak out against Chara? Will anyone take a stand or will they just lower their heads and keep about their business? ABSOLUTELY GUTLESS!_

_More and more headshots, more and more bad checks, less and less suspensions. We are telling the kids who are learning this sport what is ok and how far they can get away with hits. I am the father of a 2 year old. It‘s so hard to raise a child in today‘s society with all the negatives around. Sex, drugs, pregnancy, steroids, violence, etc… our society lives in lowered expectations than at any time in my life so far. My wife and I work so hard to set the right examples.

We are not rich._

_I work 2 jobs, my wife one. We hope to buy a house one day so that he could have a backyard to play in. We want to scratch and save to put him through private school to offer him the best available schooling out there. We want him to play sports, participate in as many activities as he wants but he will not, under any circumstances, play hockey. I refuse to have him play a game that is a pitiful shell of its former self._

_I put myself in Mr. Pacioretty‘s shoes. Yes, my son is a rising star but he could have lost his life. When does he say enough is enough and not risk his life anymore?_

_In having worked for the Habs for three seasons, I got the opportunity to speak with many former legends. Esposito, Richard, Bouchard, Hull, and many many others and they all say the same. There is no respect in this league. The players don‘t respect themselves and they don‘t respect the game that they love and worked so hard to build up._

_They are disgusted with today‘s hockey. After seeing last night‘s hit, and today‘s reaction by the NHL, I have reached my limit. I can no longer defend watching this game. I can no longer watch this game. I can no longer cheer for this sport. I‘m done. I will be selling my jerseys, my memorabilia. I want nothing to do with the NHL anymore. I am done. I can not be a hypocrite to my son and watch this game anymore. The NHL has lost a big fan, a future fan and thousands of dollars in future revenue from me. Sure, someone else will buy the tickets and products that I would have purchased but now, I will keep my pride and self respect._

_I‘d like to thank the NHL for years of entertainment however the divorce is now final. You can keep the players and everything, I‘ll keep my decency._


_A former fan_