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_« The biggest name on the trading block as you all know is Vinny Lecavalier of Tampa Bay. It has been widely speculated that he would soon be dealt, the only question is to where exactly.

Well ladies and gentlemen, you can end your speculation now!

When Brian Burke was hired to be the next GM of the Maple Leafs it was certain that this team was going to undergo a renaissance. His new team is pretty much complete, and the team still has over $7 million in cap space._

_The team is solid, better then last season‘s, but it still lacks some serious pizazz. That‘s where this latest rumor comes to play.

Our on location reporter phoned me with the news as soon as he was able. After finishing an interview with a worker inside the Leafs‘ organization who we cannot name, he had what he was looking for.

Brian Burke and the Leafs are making a serious push for Vinny Lecavalier._

_Lecavalier is due to make $10 million (7.73 on the cap) this next season and with only $7 million available, it puts the Leafs in a bit of a tight situation. It gives them no room to maneuver. That is why the Kaberle trade rumors made so much sense to us here at the Hockey Rumor Mill.

Very soon both Kaberle and (most likely) Blake will be dealt to make room for the big name acquisition in Lecavalier. We are certain Blake will end up with St. Louis._

_*The conversations have been carrying out for days now and we are only certain that a deal will happen before August. »*_